It’s been more than three years since we have sent a message or ExTra newsletter to our mailing list. For those who have recently joined, welcome! We are excited to share some news about upcoming events, but also an exclusive interview with Bertrand Piccard about resilience…

So much has happened since our last message. So much news to share, we don’t know where to begin. Let’s keep it simple with three things that could be of value to you.

First, a few years ago, in connection with his volunteer work for JCI, John had the opportunity to conduct an interview with Bertrand Piccard, the explorer-adventurer who flew around the world in a solar-powered airplane. Bertrand’s Solar Impulse project was an innovative initiative that developed and flew the first fully solar-powered aircraft around the world, demonstrating the potential of clean technologies and renewable energy sources in aviation, without relying on fossil fuels, highlighting a significant step towards sustainable transportation solutions. During their interview, they mostly talked about resilience, and we are pleased to share it with you. Click below to watch the replay. Please be advised that the interview is in French. If you would like us to subtitle it in English, let us know.

Interview with Bertrand Piccard

Second, we updated our website a little over a year ago to reflect ApexTra’s expanded offering, especially for certified translations. You will also find several blog articles about translation and language that may be of interest. Happy reading!

Screenshot of ApexTra website

Third, for all of you translators, we hope to see you at the 8th annual Wordfast Forward user conference that John is helping to organize in Sitges, Spain. You’ll find all the details on the conference website. Did you know that if you are based in France, you can request funding for the conference from the FIF-PL?

We promised to be short and sweet. We hope you have found some value in the information provided and you remain on our mailing list for a future ExTra newsletter. Stay tuned in the coming months for more news, including a by-invitation-only product launch!


John and the ApexTra Team