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Do you know why September 30th is International Translation Day?

It’s actually the feast day of Saint Jerome, the patron saint of translators. Saint Jerome is famous for having translated the Bible into Latin. This version is known as the Vulgate. Although Saint Jerome lived in the 4th century, his influence on the world of translation is still significant today: he laid the foundations of translation, both as a profession and as an academic discipline.

Historical background

Saint Jerome was born in 347 in Stridon, in what is now Croatia. After being immersed in several languages, he took on the task of translating the Bible into Latin. His translation, the Vulgate, became the standard Latin version of the Bible. The Vulgate exerted a considerable influence on the development of Christianity and Western culture.

Fundamental and essential foundations

What’s important to emphasize is that Saint Jerome’s work represents a pioneering step in the field of translation. His rigor and attention to detail set standards for future translators. Indeed, Saint Jerome’s influence on the world of translation remains relevant today. His dedication to producing a high-quality translation of the Bible serves as an inspiration to modern translators. The profession of translator has evolved significantly, with technological advances and the growing need for multilingual communication. However, fundamental principles such as accuracy, fidelity to the original text, and the importance of cultural understanding, as highlighted by Saint Jerome, guide the work of translators to this day.

The world of translation

In today’s world, Saint Jerome’s legacy is of particular importance, as the demand for professional translators continues to grow. With the increasing globalization of business activities and the rapid exchange of information between different languages and cultures, the role of translators is more crucial than ever. Saint Jerome’s dedication to linguistic excellence and his contribution to the dissemination of knowledge through translation remain a timeless model for contemporary translators.

Finally, did you know why Moses is sometimes depicted with horns on his head? This is due to the translation of the term “cornatus”, which referred to Moses according to Saint Jerome’s version. Although it’s not certain that this was a mistake, the issue is still a matter of debate today. That’s why quality control is so important in the translation process!

To sum up, the historical importance of Saint Jerome as the patron saint of translators is indisputable. His translation of the Bible into Latin, the Vulgate, not only profoundly influenced the development of Christianity, but also laid the foundations for the profession of translators as we know it. His impact on the world of translation lives on, providing a timeless example of dedication, skill, and cultural understanding (essential in translation, but also in transcreation!) required of professional translators.